速報APP / 教育 / Detail Desk - One for All, All for One

Detail Desk - One for All, All for One





版本需求:Android 4.2 以上版本




Detail Desk - One for All, All for One(圖1)-速報App

Detail Desk is News Portal which gives you the latest news with the Business finder. this App includes all kind of News like Bollywood News, Education News, Latest Govt. Jobs and Releases. Detail Desk also Providing Business Finder for Everyone. Even people can List their Own Business to generate sales for their business

In Short Detail Desk continuously working as per their tagline i.e One for All, All for One

Detail Desk - One for All, All for One(圖2)-速報App

Detail Desk - One for All, All for One(圖3)-速報App

Detail Desk - One for All, All for One(圖4)-速報App

Detail Desk - One for All, All for One(圖5)-速報App

Detail Desk - One for All, All for One(圖6)-速報App

Detail Desk - One for All, All for One(圖7)-速報App

Detail Desk - One for All, All for One(圖8)-速報App